Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture treats the whole person (not just the symptoms they are experiencing) on a physical, mental and emotional level. Modern research has shown that acupuncture can affect most of the body’s systems. The implications are wide ranging, especially if combined with traditional herbs, which can reinforce the effects of acupuncture.


Acupuncture :

  • Is natural with no side effects.

  • Is effective in treating pain, from sudden acute pain to long-term chronic pain. Reduction in pain and stress leads to a more productive, focused, and happier life.

  • Eliminates the need to take pain killers. Many people seek the help of an acupuncturist because of dissatisfaction with drug treatment – because it does not seem to be working or because the side effects are unacceptable.

  • Helps boost the immune system – You will find your immune system is better able to withstand flu, colds and other minor infections, and if you do fall ill, you tend to suffer less badly and recover more quickly. Many people continue to use acupuncture as an effective form of preventative medicine.

  • Promotes emotional balance – Many emotional or psychological problems can be effectively treated by acupuncture such as anxiety, depression, addictions, phobias, irrational or obsessive behavior, eating disorders, lack of confidence and low self-esteem.

  • Improves energy – better energy helps you deal with all the health and life issues facing you every day.

  • Can be used alongside conventional medicine in the treatment of both acute and chronic disease.

  • Improves the circulation of blood.

  • Promotes hormonal balance.

  • Improves work/sport performance.


Incorporate Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine into your everyday life. Regular treatments keep your body, mind, and spirit in optimal health. Achieving and maintaining an inner sense of peace and tranquility help prevent future illness.